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Matthew Brunton

I am a game programmer with a strong math background who enjoys a challenge and learning about both old and new technologies. This page showcases my skills and abilities through some of the work I have done.

I've always been an avid fan of video games, ever since I first experienced them on a Tandy 1000 EX in the early 90s. It was not long after that I began my first foray into computer programming using BASIC. I was later able to utilize my abilities by applying VBA in the workplace.

I decided to attend St. Lawrence College in pursuit of a career change. After reflecting on my skills and experiences, I felt the Game Development program would be the best fit for my strengths and interests.

Outside of school, I decided to try and learn from historical game development techniques. I started working on a raycast game using the techniques used for games such as Wolfenstein 3D and Blake Stone from the early 1990s. I also decided to try learning 6502 Assembly programming for NES games.


My other interests include reading, science-fiction, board games, and tabletop RPGs.

Raycast Game

Raycast Game



Arcade Chess

Arcade Chess

Ex Astris Saxa

Ex Astris Saxa





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